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Stephenie LaGrossa
Season | Finished | Age | Score | Rank | Percentile |
10 | 7 | 24 | 69.8 | 184 | 78% |
11 | 2 | 25 | 84.9 | 51 | 94% |
20 | 19 | 29 | 26.7 | 663 | 21% |
Career | 76.7 | 84 | 88% |
Season | Original Tribe | Pre-Merge Purgatory | Absorb Tribe | 1st Swap Tribe | 2nd Swap Tribe | Merge Tribe | Split Merge Tribe | Post-Merge Purgatory |
10 | Ulong | Koror | ||||||
11 | Yaxhá | Nakúm | Xhakúm | |||||
20 | Heroes |
Season | Cluster Score | Cluster Rank | Cluster Percentile | Accuracy Score | Accurancy Rank | Accuracy Percentile |
10 | 0.7881 | 156 | 82% | 0.5408 | 264 | 69% |
11 | 0.9834 | 11 | 99% | 0.8472 | 5 | 99% |
20 | 0.7239 | 260 | 69% | 0.4361 | 447 | 46% |
Career | 0.8806 | 42 | 94% | 0.6733 | 62 | 91% |
Season | Challenge Score | Challenge Rank | Challenge Percentile | Idol Score | Idol Rank | Idol Percentile |
10 | -0.063 | 749 | 11% | |||
11 | -0.0416 | 662 | 21% | 18.37 | 107 | 67% |
20 | -0.0063 | 381 | 53% | |||
Career | -0.0495 | 595 | 15% | 18.37 | 90 | 70% |
Season | Avoidance Score | Avoidance Rank | Avoidance Percentile | Safety Score | Safety Rank | Safety Percentile |
10 | 0.0315 | 287 | 66% | 25.95 | 252 | 70% |
11 | 0.1479 | 45 | 95% | 27.62 | 148 | 82% |
20 | -0.1663 | 681 | 19% | 12.56 | 780 | 5% |
Career | 0.056 | 168 | 76% | 26 | 206 | 71% |
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